offers a customized For Rent sign specifically for your property. Upon creating a Landlord account with BidRent you are eligible to receive a For Rent sign that has your properties website address on it. For example, if your property address is 119 Park Place your website address becomes (example) . Here, viewers can see a full profile of your property with a detailed description, pictures, landlords contact information, and an option to bid on the rental price. This is basically like having a website for your property where anyone can view your property day or night. Here is an example of the sign:
How does this benefit you as the landlord?
1. You do not have to answer calls for basic questions. Potential tenants see your sign with your properties website address on it. The website will give them all the information they need including a glimpse of the interior of the property and a full description. This way the tenant has an idea of the property and will not be wasting your time when they come to view the property.
2. The tenant will see the For Rent sign with your properties website address on it and can immediately view your properties profile and make a bid on the rental price or have the option to contact the landlord.
empowers the landlord. By placing your property on the site and putting a customized For Rent sign on the property you are making life easier for both the potential tenant and yourself. The potential tenant can view your properties profile at any time of the day or night, place a bid on the rental price and contact you directly on the site. The website for your property will always be on our system as long as you maintain your Landlord account. Therefore, you are able to keep the sign and reuse it in the future
All of this is free however we ask that landlords pay our cost on the For Rent sign and shipping. The cost with shipping is $19.50. There is no cost to place your property on
and there is no cost to make a website for your property. The For Rent sign is only an option. It is not required. You are more than welcome to have a listing on
for free and get a free website for your property using our server.
To place an order for the customized For Rent sign please send a check for $19.50 made out to:
and indicate the following items:
- Address of property
- City, State
- Your name
- Your mailing address
- Your email address
- Your telephone number
Upon receiving the check we will process your order. Please allow 7-14 business days for you to receive the order. Please call us if you have a problem with your order: 1-866-4-BIDRENT (9pm to 5pm PST) or email us at